Have you ever wanted to feel like a small raindrop falling from the sky?  No?  It doesn't matter, because now you have this opportunity!

And remember...stay away from everything what isn't water!!!

WASD - to move


https://wad1m.itch.io/ - programmer
Terano - art, music

kcorweeh - art, animation


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Cool game! Music wow


yo I was sooo high and I like that stuff idk, this rain is soo cute and funny lmao.

noice start-up and sound design
have a noice one guys

wonderful game! Beautiful graphics)


Great game, graphics are WOW!!!

Excellent!!! I really like it

The game is so cool, it's really tight, everything is so cute that I want to eat this game


Wow. Gameplay is very relaxing. Good!)


Nice game. Very interesting adventure about a raindrop!


The game is so cute and atmospheric, I already love it <3